Wildlife Architecture & Design

"The 72 Hour Cabin" the Swedish stress remedy

The 72 Hour Cabin,Svezia

"The 72 Hour Cabin" is a project conceived by researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, a sociological experiment promoted by the Swedish tourism board to combat stress and restore physical and mental health. The cabin is located on the private island of Henriksholm, on Lake Ånimmen in the southeast of Dalsland, Sweden where unusual houses made of glass and cherry wood have been built to become isolated from the rest of the world, completely immersed in wonderful landscapes among dense forests, great lakes, mountains and glaciers.

The experiment involved 5 people who had exhausting jobs - a Parisian taxi driver, a German police officer, an English journalist, a British TV presenter and a New York event organizer. Deprived of any technological devices and isolated from the rest of the world, the participants spent their time plowing the waters of the lake with the canoe, learning to recognize medicinal plants and cooking wild game and fish on the fire. After 72 hours, the stress level of the "examined" patients dropped by 70% and each of them showed an improvement in blood pressure and a strong increase in creativity.

The glass houses of the 72 Hour Cabin, scattered throughout the island, are now available to anyone who wants to spend 3 days totally disconnected from the world to find their psychophysical balance. A "natural detox" stay that has become a tourist initiative supervised by the "West Sweden Tourist Board" and "Visit Sweden". Closed during the winter, the "transparent cabins" reopen in the Spring. For information on cost and reservations: https://www.vastsverige.com/en/72hcabin/

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